Rules of exhibiting in the gallery "Vesnin hram"

1) Owner of the gallery is Marko Puschner.
2) All works (images) are exhibited as electronic files.
3) Written works (poems, stories, etc.) must be send in RTF or TXT file. Other works (paintings, drawings, sculptures, etc.)  should be photographed (be careful with the light) and then scanned (or in some other way transformed into electronic form) or in some other way transformed into computer data file; graphic files should be in jpg or gif (also other typs but please inform first) format. Be very careful with quality. It is better to make bigger file with better quality than smaller file where quality could be poor. All files should be send via e-mail.
4) I reserve the right to adjust and correct your files to exhibit your work in the best manner possible.
5) Images are exhibited for indefinite time unless otherwise agreed.
6) You must send me an e-mail in which you allow me to use your work (images) for exhibiting in the gallery Vesnin hram.
7) All images will be used only for needs of exhibition. On the page with image of your work will be clearly shown who is the author of exhibited work.
8) I may use some images of your work as small icons for navigation inside the site and as a part of promotion banners for the gallery.
9) Between the owner of the gallery and the owner of the artistic work can be agreement which is against rules 2,3,4,7,8.

In Kamnik 22nd August 2000 by Marko Puschner.