Jonathon Earl Bowser
Canadian artist Jonathon Earl Bowser, born in 1962, began drawing obsessively at age 8, and graduated with honors from the Alberta College of Art in 1984
. His limited-edition prints and collector's plates are now represented by many galleries internationally, and his original paintings are in public and private collections across North America, Europe, and Asia - including the government collections of China and Taiwan.
Jonathon describes his unique figurative-landscape paintings as "Mythic Naturalism": an exploration of the Divinity of Beauty, and the Archetypes of Mythology (arcane, but universal motifs and symbols which reflect the structure of human consciousness - and the cosmos itself). His work is a quest for the ancient, unchanging, and eternal knowledge found in the poetic revelation of the sacred and sublime. He believes that Mythology (both spiritual belief, and psychological preparation for life) must become - as it once was - the essential, timelessly enduring soul of our modern, hyper-dynamic, technology-driven world. It is the immutable biography of humanity.
(Taken from author's pages)
Author of the exhibited work is Jonathon Earl Bowser. Please visit his pages on internet.